International Shipments
- Contact your shipper; ensure you have all the appropriate paperwork your shipper instructs you will need to ship the equipment to the United States.
- Our harmonizing code is 9801 10 0000, check with your shipper to see if the harmonizing code is correct prior to shipping.
- The description should state: TEST EQUIPMENT FOR CALIBRATION AND REPAIR.
- In the description area give as much detail as possible, Manufacturer, Description, Model Number, Serial Number, ID Number, and any other information that clearly identifies the item.
- State the Manufacturer’s name,, where it was made (i.e. USA), and the Manufacturer’s address.
- If the value is stated over $2,500.00, it may warrant an automatic formal customs review.
- Use our Service Return Form when returning any item for service.
Our Service Return Form helps to ensure that your equipment is received, serviced and returned to you as quickly as possible. Filling it out completely will not only reduce turnaround time but also help to prevent shipping and billing errors. If you have multiple items please use Additional Pages.
In the “Bill To” fields, be sure to enter the name of the customer, as well as the address so we knows who to contact in case of questions. When entering phone numbers, it is essential for us to have direct phone numbers, access to the individual submitting the Service Return Form.
Be sure to tell us if there are any issues with your instrument, beside the need for calibration. The more information that is shared, the better we can serve you, and return your equipment quickly.